Highcharts .NET  11.3.0
Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels Class Reference

Inherits BaseObject.


PieSeriesDataLabelsAlign Align [get, set]
 The alignment of the data label compared to the point. If right,the right side of the label should be touching the point. For pointswith an extent, like columns, the alignments also dictates how toalign it inside the box, as given with theinside option. Can be one ofleft, center or right. More...
string AlignTo [get, set]
 Alignment method for data labels. Possible values are:- plotEdges: Each label touches the nearest vertical edge of the plot area.- connectors: Connectors have the same x position and the widest label of each half (left & right) touches the nearest vertical edge of the plot area. More...
bool AllowOverlap [get, set]
 Whether to allow data labels to overlap. To make the labels lesssensitive for overlapping, thedataLabels.paddingcan be set to 0. More...
Animation Animation [get, set]
 Enable or disable the initial animation when a series is displayedfor the dataLabels. The animation can also be set as aconfiguration object. Please note that this option only applies tothe initial animation.For other animations, see chart.animation and theanimation parameter under the API methods. The following propertiesare supported:- defer: The animation delay time in milliseconds. More...
bool AnimationBool [get, set]
 Enable or disable the initial animation when a series is displayedfor the dataLabels. The animation can also be set as aconfiguration object. Please note that this option only applies tothe initial animation.For other animations, see chart.animation and theanimation parameter under the API methods. The following propertiesare supported:- defer: The animation delay time in milliseconds. More...
string BackgroundColor [get, set]
 The background color or gradient for the data label. Setting it toauto will use the point's color. More...
string BorderColor [get, set]
 The border color for the data label. Setting it to auto will usethe point's color. Defaults to undefined. More...
double BorderRadius [get, set]
 The border radius in pixels for the data label. More...
double BorderWidth [get, set]
 The border width in pixels for the data label. More...
string ClassName [get, set]
 A class name for the data label. Particularly in styled mode,this can be used to give each series' or point's data labelunique styling. In addition to this option, a default color classname is added so that we can give the labels a contrast textshadow. More...
string Color [get, set]
 This options is deprecated.Use style.color instead.The text color for the data labels. Defaults to undefined. Forcertain series types, like column or map, the data labels can bedrawn inside the points. In this case the data label will bedrawn with maximum contrast by default. Additionally, it will begiven a text-outline style with the opposite color, to furtherincrease the contrast. This can be overridden by setting thetext-outline style to none in the dataLabels.style option. More...
string ConnectorColor [get, set]
 The color of the line connecting the data label to the pie slice.The default color is the same as the point's color.In styled mode, the connector stroke is given in the<tt>.highcharts-data-label-connector class. More...
double ConnectorPadding [get, set]
 The distance from the data label to the connector. Note thatdata labels also have a default padding, so in order for theconnector to touch the text, the padding must also be 0. More...
string ConnectorShape [get, set]
 Specifies the method that is used to generate the connector path.Highcharts provides 3 built-in connector shapes: ‘'crookedLine’(default since v11),'fixedOffset'and'straight'.Users can provide their own method by passing a function instead of astring. Three arguments are passed to the callback:- An object that holds the information about the coordinates of the label (x&yproperties) and how the label is located in relation to the pie (alignmentproperty).alignmentcan by one of the following:'left'(pie on the left side of the data label),'right'(pie on the right side of the data label) or'center'(data label overlaps the pie).- An object that holds the information about the position of the connector. ItstouchingSliceAt` porperty tells the position of the place where the connector touches the slice.- Data label optionsThe function has to return an SVG path definition in array form (seethe example). More...
double ConnectorWidth [get, set]
 The width of the line connecting the data label to the pie slice.In styled mode, the connector stroke width is given in the<tt>.highcharts-data-label-connector class. More...
string CrookDistance [get, set]
 Works only if connectorShape is ‘'crookedLine’. It defines howfar from the vertical plot edge the coonnector path should becrooked. With the default,undefined`, the crook is placed so thatthe horizontal line from the label intersects with the radial lineextending through the center of the pie slice. More...
bool Crop [get, set]
 Whether to hide data labels that are outside the plot area. Bydefault, the data label is moved inside the plot area accordingto theoverflowoption. More...
bool Defer [get, set]
 Whether to defer displaying the data labels until the initialseries animation has finished. Setting to false renders thedata label immediately. If set to true inherits the defertime set in plotOptions.series.animation. More...
string Distance [get, set]
 The distance of the data label from the pie's edge. Negativenumbers put the data label on top of the pie slices. Can also bedefined as a percentage of pie's radius. Connectors are onlyshown for data labels outside the pie. More...
double DistanceNumber [get, set]
 The distance of the data label from the pie's edge. Negativenumbers put the data label on top of the pie slices. Can also bedefined as a percentage of pie's radius. Connectors are onlyshown for data labels outside the pie. More...
bool Enabled [get, set]
 Enable or disable the data labels. More...
PieSeriesDataLabelsFilter Filter [get, set]
 A declarative filter to control of which data labels to display.The declarative filter is designed for use when callbackfunctions are not available, like when the chart options requirea pure JSON structure or for use with graphical editors. Forprogrammatic control, use the formatter instead, and returnundefined to disable a single data label. More...
string Format [get, set]
 Aformat stringfor the data label. Available variables are the same as forformatter. More...
string Formatter [get, set]
 Callback JavaScript function to format the data label. Note that if aformat is defined, the format takes precedence and the formatter isignored. More...
bool Inside [get, set]
 For points with an extent, like columns or map areas, whether toalign the data label inside the box or to the actual value point.Defaults to false in most cases, true in stacked columns. More...
string NullFormat [get, set]
 Format for points with the value of null. Works analogously toformat. nullFormat canbe applied only to series which support displaying null pointsi.e heatmap or tilemap. Does not work with series that don'tdisplay null points, like line, column, bar or pie. More...
bool NullFormatBool [get, set]
 Format for points with the value of null. Works analogously toformat. nullFormat canbe applied only to series which support displaying null pointsi.e heatmap or tilemap. Does not work with series that don'tdisplay null points, like line, column, bar or pie. More...
string NullFormatter [get, set]
 Callback JavaScript function that defines formatting for pointswith the value of null. Works analogously toformatter.nullFormatter can be applied only to series which supportdisplaying null points i.e heatmap or tilemap. Does not workwith series that don't display null points, like line, column,bar or pie. More...
PieSeriesDataLabelsOverflow Overflow [get, set]
 How to handle data labels that flow outside the plot area. Thedefault is "justify", which aligns them inside the plot area.For columns and bars, this means it will be moved inside the bar.To display data labels outside the plot area, set crop tofalse and overflow to "allow". More...
double Padding [get, set]
 When either the borderWidth or the backgroundColor is set,this is the padding within the box. More...
PieSeriesDataLabelsPosition Position [get, set]
 Aligns data labels relative to points. If center alignment isnot possible, it defaults to right. More...
double Rotation [get, set]
 Text rotation in degrees. Note that due to a more complexstructure, backgrounds, borders and padding will be lost on arotated data label. More...
Shadow Shadow [get, set]
 The shadow of the box. Works best with borderWidth orbackgroundColor. Since 2.3 the shadow can be an objectconfiguration containing color, offsetX, offsetY, opacityand width. More...
bool ShadowBool [get, set]
 The shadow of the box. Works best with borderWidth orbackgroundColor. Since 2.3 the shadow can be an objectconfiguration containing color, offsetX, offsetY, opacityand width. More...
string Shape [get, set]
 The name of a symbol to use for the border around the label.Symbols are predefined functions on the Renderer object. More...
bool SoftConnector [get, set]
 Whether to render the connector as a soft arc or a line with a sharpbreak. Works only if connectorShape equals to fixedOffset. More...
Hashtable Style [get, set]
 Styles for the label. The default color setting is"contrast", which is a pseudo color that Highcharts picks upand applies the maximum contrast to the underlying point item,for example the bar in a bar chart.The textOutline is a pseudo property that applies an outline ofthe given width with the given color, which by default is themaximum contrast to the text. So a bright text color will resultin a black text outline for maximum readability on a mixedbackground. In some cases, especially with grayscale text, thetext outline doesn't work well, in which cases it can be disabledby setting it to "none". When useHTML is true, thetextOutline will not be picked up. In this, case, the sameeffect can be acheived through the text-shadow CSS property.For some series types, where each point has an extent, like forexample tree maps, the data label may overflow the point. Thereare two strategies for handling overflow. By default, the textwill wrap to multiple lines. The other strategy is to setstyle.textOverflow to ellipsis, which will keep the text onone line plus it will break inside long words. More...
PieSeriesDataLabelsTextPath TextPath [get, set]
 Options for a label text which should follow marker's shape.Border and background are disabled for a label that follows apath.**Note:** Only SVG-based renderer supports this option. SettinguseHTML to true will disable this option. More...
bool UseHTML [get, set]
 Whether touse HTMLto render the labels. More...
PieSeriesDataLabelsVerticalAlign VerticalAlign [get, set]
 The vertical alignment of a data label. Can be one of top,middle or bottom. The default value depends on the data, forinstance in a column chart, the label is above positive valuesand below negative values. More...
double X [get, set]
 The x position offset of the label relative to the point inpixels. More...
double Y [get, set]
 The y position offset of the label relative to the point inpixels. More...
double ZIndex [get, set]
 The z index of the data labels. Use a zIndex of 6 to display it abovethe series, or use a zIndex of 2 to display it behind the series. More...
Hashtable CustomFields [get, set]

Property Documentation

◆ Align

PieSeriesDataLabelsAlign Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.Align

The alignment of the data label compared to the point. If right,the right side of the label should be touching the point. For pointswith an extent, like columns, the alignments also dictates how toalign it inside the box, as given with theinside option. Can be one ofleft, center or right.

◆ AlignTo

string Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.AlignTo

Alignment method for data labels. Possible values are:- plotEdges: Each label touches the nearest vertical edge of the plot area.- connectors: Connectors have the same x position and the widest label of each half (left & right) touches the nearest vertical edge of the plot area.

◆ AllowOverlap

bool Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.AllowOverlap

Whether to allow data labels to overlap. To make the labels lesssensitive for overlapping, thedataLabels.paddingcan be set to 0.

◆ Animation

Animation Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.Animation

Enable or disable the initial animation when a series is displayedfor the dataLabels. The animation can also be set as aconfiguration object. Please note that this option only applies tothe initial animation.For other animations, see chart.animation and theanimation parameter under the API methods. The following propertiesare supported:- defer: The animation delay time in milliseconds.

◆ AnimationBool

bool Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.AnimationBool

Enable or disable the initial animation when a series is displayedfor the dataLabels. The animation can also be set as aconfiguration object. Please note that this option only applies tothe initial animation.For other animations, see chart.animation and theanimation parameter under the API methods. The following propertiesare supported:- defer: The animation delay time in milliseconds.

◆ BackgroundColor

string Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.BackgroundColor

The background color or gradient for the data label. Setting it toauto will use the point's color.

◆ BorderColor

string Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.BorderColor

The border color for the data label. Setting it to auto will usethe point's color. Defaults to undefined.

◆ BorderRadius

double Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.BorderRadius

The border radius in pixels for the data label.

◆ BorderWidth

double Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.BorderWidth

The border width in pixels for the data label.

◆ ClassName

string Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.ClassName

A class name for the data label. Particularly in styled mode,this can be used to give each series' or point's data labelunique styling. In addition to this option, a default color classname is added so that we can give the labels a contrast textshadow.

◆ Color

string Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.Color

This options is deprecated.Use style.color instead.The text color for the data labels. Defaults to undefined. Forcertain series types, like column or map, the data labels can bedrawn inside the points. In this case the data label will bedrawn with maximum contrast by default. Additionally, it will begiven a text-outline style with the opposite color, to furtherincrease the contrast. This can be overridden by setting thetext-outline style to none in the dataLabels.style option.

◆ ConnectorColor

string Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.ConnectorColor

The color of the line connecting the data label to the pie slice.The default color is the same as the point's color.In styled mode, the connector stroke is given in the<tt>.highcharts-data-label-connector class.

◆ ConnectorPadding

double Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.ConnectorPadding

The distance from the data label to the connector. Note thatdata labels also have a default padding, so in order for theconnector to touch the text, the padding must also be 0.

◆ ConnectorShape

string Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.ConnectorShape

Specifies the method that is used to generate the connector path.Highcharts provides 3 built-in connector shapes: ‘'crookedLine’(default since v11),'fixedOffset'and'straight'.Users can provide their own method by passing a function instead of astring. Three arguments are passed to the callback:- An object that holds the information about the coordinates of the label (x&yproperties) and how the label is located in relation to the pie (alignmentproperty).alignmentcan by one of the following:'left'(pie on the left side of the data label),'right'(pie on the right side of the data label) or'center'(data label overlaps the pie).- An object that holds the information about the position of the connector. ItstouchingSliceAt` porperty tells the position of the place where the connector touches the slice.- Data label optionsThe function has to return an SVG path definition in array form (seethe example).

◆ ConnectorWidth

double Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.ConnectorWidth

The width of the line connecting the data label to the pie slice.In styled mode, the connector stroke width is given in the<tt>.highcharts-data-label-connector class.

◆ CrookDistance

string Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.CrookDistance

Works only if connectorShape is ‘'crookedLine’. It defines howfar from the vertical plot edge the coonnector path should becrooked. With the default,undefined`, the crook is placed so thatthe horizontal line from the label intersects with the radial lineextending through the center of the pie slice.

◆ Crop

bool Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.Crop

Whether to hide data labels that are outside the plot area. Bydefault, the data label is moved inside the plot area accordingto theoverflowoption.

◆ Defer

bool Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.Defer

Whether to defer displaying the data labels until the initialseries animation has finished. Setting to false renders thedata label immediately. If set to true inherits the defertime set in plotOptions.series.animation.

◆ Distance

string Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.Distance

The distance of the data label from the pie's edge. Negativenumbers put the data label on top of the pie slices. Can also bedefined as a percentage of pie's radius. Connectors are onlyshown for data labels outside the pie.

◆ DistanceNumber

double Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.DistanceNumber

The distance of the data label from the pie's edge. Negativenumbers put the data label on top of the pie slices. Can also bedefined as a percentage of pie's radius. Connectors are onlyshown for data labels outside the pie.

◆ Enabled

bool Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.Enabled

Enable or disable the data labels.

◆ Filter

PieSeriesDataLabelsFilter Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.Filter

A declarative filter to control of which data labels to display.The declarative filter is designed for use when callbackfunctions are not available, like when the chart options requirea pure JSON structure or for use with graphical editors. Forprogrammatic control, use the formatter instead, and returnundefined to disable a single data label.

◆ Format

string Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.Format

Aformat stringfor the data label. Available variables are the same as forformatter.

◆ Formatter

string Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.Formatter

Callback JavaScript function to format the data label. Note that if aformat is defined, the format takes precedence and the formatter isignored.

◆ Inside

bool Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.Inside

For points with an extent, like columns or map areas, whether toalign the data label inside the box or to the actual value point.Defaults to false in most cases, true in stacked columns.

◆ NullFormat

string Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.NullFormat

Format for points with the value of null. Works analogously toformat. nullFormat canbe applied only to series which support displaying null pointsi.e heatmap or tilemap. Does not work with series that don'tdisplay null points, like line, column, bar or pie.

◆ NullFormatBool

bool Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.NullFormatBool

Format for points with the value of null. Works analogously toformat. nullFormat canbe applied only to series which support displaying null pointsi.e heatmap or tilemap. Does not work with series that don'tdisplay null points, like line, column, bar or pie.

◆ NullFormatter

string Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.NullFormatter

Callback JavaScript function that defines formatting for pointswith the value of null. Works analogously toformatter.nullFormatter can be applied only to series which supportdisplaying null points i.e heatmap or tilemap. Does not workwith series that don't display null points, like line, column,bar or pie.

◆ Overflow

PieSeriesDataLabelsOverflow Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.Overflow

How to handle data labels that flow outside the plot area. Thedefault is "justify", which aligns them inside the plot area.For columns and bars, this means it will be moved inside the bar.To display data labels outside the plot area, set crop tofalse and overflow to "allow".

◆ Padding

double Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.Padding

When either the borderWidth or the backgroundColor is set,this is the padding within the box.

◆ Position

PieSeriesDataLabelsPosition Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.Position

Aligns data labels relative to points. If center alignment isnot possible, it defaults to right.

◆ Rotation

double Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.Rotation

Text rotation in degrees. Note that due to a more complexstructure, backgrounds, borders and padding will be lost on arotated data label.

◆ Shadow

Shadow Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.Shadow

The shadow of the box. Works best with borderWidth orbackgroundColor. Since 2.3 the shadow can be an objectconfiguration containing color, offsetX, offsetY, opacityand width.

◆ ShadowBool

bool Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.ShadowBool

The shadow of the box. Works best with borderWidth orbackgroundColor. Since 2.3 the shadow can be an objectconfiguration containing color, offsetX, offsetY, opacityand width.

◆ Shape

string Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.Shape

The name of a symbol to use for the border around the label.Symbols are predefined functions on the Renderer object.

◆ SoftConnector

bool Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.SoftConnector

Whether to render the connector as a soft arc or a line with a sharpbreak. Works only if connectorShape equals to fixedOffset.

◆ Style

Hashtable Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.Style

Styles for the label. The default color setting is"contrast", which is a pseudo color that Highcharts picks upand applies the maximum contrast to the underlying point item,for example the bar in a bar chart.The textOutline is a pseudo property that applies an outline ofthe given width with the given color, which by default is themaximum contrast to the text. So a bright text color will resultin a black text outline for maximum readability on a mixedbackground. In some cases, especially with grayscale text, thetext outline doesn't work well, in which cases it can be disabledby setting it to "none". When useHTML is true, thetextOutline will not be picked up. In this, case, the sameeffect can be acheived through the text-shadow CSS property.For some series types, where each point has an extent, like forexample tree maps, the data label may overflow the point. Thereare two strategies for handling overflow. By default, the textwill wrap to multiple lines. The other strategy is to setstyle.textOverflow to ellipsis, which will keep the text onone line plus it will break inside long words.

◆ TextPath

PieSeriesDataLabelsTextPath Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.TextPath

Options for a label text which should follow marker's shape.Border and background are disabled for a label that follows apath.**Note:** Only SVG-based renderer supports this option. SettinguseHTML to true will disable this option.


bool Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.UseHTML

Whether touse HTMLto render the labels.

◆ VerticalAlign

PieSeriesDataLabelsVerticalAlign Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.VerticalAlign

The vertical alignment of a data label. Can be one of top,middle or bottom. The default value depends on the data, forinstance in a column chart, the label is above positive valuesand below negative values.

◆ X

double Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.X

The x position offset of the label relative to the point inpixels.

◆ Y

double Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.Y

The y position offset of the label relative to the point inpixels.

◆ ZIndex

double Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.PieSeriesDataLabels.ZIndex

The z index of the data labels. Use a zIndex of 6 to display it abovethe series, or use a zIndex of 2 to display it behind the series.

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